Sunday, August 29, 2010

Satoshi Kon Tribute: Perfect Blue

The legacy of one of our era's most brilliant filmmakers: kicking your sense of sanity in the balls.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Intro Post

Hi everyone. Karl here. I'm going to try out this whole "blogging" thing and see if I like it. I've found that I often have things to say about things. This seems like a good place for that kind of noncommittal sense of opinion.

The purpose of this blog is to do battle with that old nemesis of mine: tedium. There is far too much tedium in the world. Writers and artists produce tedious works, public figures repeat tedious talking points, the masses of the world continue to live on in tedious ignorance. This is where I'll decry all of that tedium, and praise those who manage to accomplish something unique and admirable.

First actual post to come soon.